Following in the footsteps of Marc Rubendall’s podcast Origins Of Cinema, Cine-Ballistics is a brand-new Write Brain original series, a deep investigation into the lights & shadows of cinema… & its historical use as a weapon by the darkest forces in the world. In this series, film historian Rubendall’s extensive research lead into the most horrifying realms of the abyss, something the libraries of history & film books never connected; Hollywood & the Empire, specifically the War Machine’s century-long secret love affair in perpetuating both of their worst natures.
Directed by Kevin Ronca (Death To America, The Revolution Televised) over the span of 5 episodes, we will take you on a daring & mind-altering collision course through the sordid past of this dangerous spectacle in history, straight into our harrowing uncertain future. Written & Narrated by Rubendall with a soul-demolishing score by Eric Dickey.

Part I: Whites Of Their Eyes
(Directed by Kevin Ronca, Written & Narrated by Marc Rubendall)

Part II: The Rope With Which We Hang
(Directed by Kevin Ronca, Written & Narrated by Marc Rubendall)

Part III: The Whispered Ballad Of Enola Gay
(Directed by Kevin Ronca, Written & Narrated by Marc Rubendall)

Part IV: A Fellow Traveler Ought Ever Only Arrive Alone
(Directed by Kevin Ronca, Written & Narrated by Marc Rubendall)

Part V: Through God’s Eyes, They See
(Directed by Kevin Ronca, Written & Narrated by Marc Rubendall)