Third Cinema Manifestos

(Written by Julio García Espinosa, Jorge Sanjinés, & Fernando Solanas, 1969-1979)

This month, Write Brain TV is taking you to the front lines of Latin America’s “Cinema of Subversion”, a 60-year long insurrection against the traditions and conventions of the Hollywood Studio system and its inherent ties to the parasitic Capitalist class. Debuting in 1965, the term ‘Third Cinema’ was used by Argentine directors and leaders of Grupo Cine Liberación (The Liberation Film Group) Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino to signify a wholly new form of filmmaking that countered the ethos of the frivolous so-called entertainment generated by Western hegemony. First cinema refers to the bourgeois Hollywood production model that focuses on commercialist spectacle, glitz, and glamour; inoffensive works that challenge no authority, but rather, reinforce conformist opinions and reify the status quo. Second cinema would be the films of European auteurs (think French New Wave) who, while superficially rejecting many of the trappings of typical Hollywood fare, still maintain a very individualistic scope and uphold the gatekeeping ArtHouse exhibition award rackets. But with Third cinema, these Latin American filmmakers envisioned cinema as a revolutionary act that not only adopts a collectivist aim meant to inspire the masses to rebel against tyrannical governments, but also reimagines the production of these films to be a non-centralized, community undertaking.

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