On The Socialist Revolution In Vietnam

(Written by Lê Duẩn, 1965)

Covering the rise of socialism & communism in Vietnam in the aftermath of fighting off the French colonizers in the first Indochina War all the way to right before the Vietnam war, communist icon / politician / revolutionary Lê Duẩn’s part-manifesto / part-historical tome analyzes the philosophy behind Marxism & how it applies to Vietnamese culture, as well as the implications of long-standing colonialism & imperialism in Vietnam by the West. Rising through the ranks of the stalwart revolutionary organization Central Committee Of The Communist Party Vietnam (VCP), Lê Duẩn’s experience wasn’t limited to simply studying communism, but fought as a brave revolutionary soldier in the first Indochina war that warded off the colonizers risking his life for his country.  After chairman Hồ’s untimely death in the second Indochina war, Lê Duẩn rose to become the leader of the party. He would continue this role until his tragic death in 1986. His experiences on the field would extend to Vietnam’s eventual invasion of Cambodia to the battle the dangerous & unfortunately China-backed Khmer Rouge run by the deranged & sadistic despot Pol Pot, a battle they would lose in 1979. Lê Duẩn’s experience on the battlefield fighting to the imperialists to his deep understanding of Marxist philosophy is one of the rare instances where one can see the words being put into practice. With a wide net that covers history, ideas, & a fascinating vantage point, Lê Duẩn’s book is one you won’t wanna miss!

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